Brian D. Young

Brian D. Young
President and Chief
Executive Officer

Richard F. Coerver IV

Richard F. Coerver IV
Executive Vice President
and Chief Financial Officer*

Elizabeth Sander

Elizabeth A. Sander
Executive Vice President
and Chief Actuary

Dina G. Daskalakis

Dina G. Daskalakis
Executive Vice President,
and General Counsel**

Odyssey Group Holdings, Inc.
Board of Directors

Andrew A. Barnard (1)

Chairman of the Board, Odyssey Group Holdings, Inc. President and Chief Operating Officer,
Fairfax Insurance Group

Jennifer J. S. Allen (2)

Vice President and Chief Financial Officer,
Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited

Peter S. Clarke (2)

President and Chief Operating Officer,
Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited

Brandon W. Sweitzer (1) (2)

Dean, School of Risk Management,
St. John’s University

Brian D. Young

President and Chief Executive Officer,
Odyssey Group Holdings, Inc.

(1) Compensation Committee   (2) Audit Committee

Alane R. Carey

Alane R. Carey
Executive Vice President
and Director of Global Marketing

Isabelle Dubots-Lafitte

Isabelle Dubots-Lafitte
Chief Executive Officer,
Europe, Middle East and Africa

Christopher L. Gallagher

Christopher L. Gallagher
Chief Executive Officer,
U.S. Insurance

Philippe E. Mallier

Philippe E. Mallier
Chief Executive Officer,
Latin America

Carl A. Overy

Carl A. Overy
Chief Executive Officer,

Lucien Pietropoli

Lucien Pietropoli
Chief Executive Officer,

Robert S. Pollock

Robert S. Pollock
Chief Executive Officer,
London Market

Brian D. Quinn

Brian D. Quinn
Chief Executive Officer,
North America

Robert E. Crowther

Robert E. Crowther
Senior Vice President and
Director of Global Claims

Kathryn S. Delaney

Kathryn S. Delaney
Senior Vice President,
Human Resources

Ron Vernier

Ron Vernier
Senior Vice President and
Chief Information Officer

* Effective 12/2023

** Effective 7/2023